Marcelo Piñeyro-搜索结果

  • 王国:风起云涌 El Reino


    导演:马西路·品尼路   编剧:马西路·品尼路 Marcelo Piñeyro

    主演:阿方索·托尔特, 地亚哥·詹蒂莱, 内斯托尔·古齐尼, 丹尼尔·库兹涅茨卡, 奇诺·达林, 南希·杜普拉, 华金·富列尔, 彼得·兰萨尼, 梅赛黛斯·莫朗, 迭戈·佩雷蒂, 薇拉·斯皮内塔, 尼科·加西亚·休姆, 维多利亚·亚旺达, 圣地亚哥·科罗夫斯基, 帕特里西奥·阿兰布鲁


  • 堪察加 Kamchatka


    导演:马西路·品尼路   编剧:Marcelo Figueras, Marcelo Piñeyro

    主演:Ricardo Darín, Cecilia Roth

      The film is seen through the eyes of a ten-year-old boy, Harry (Matías del Pozo), who does not know that Argentina's 1976 coup d'état is impacting his life.
      After witnessing the "disappearance" of dissident friends, a human rights lawyer (Ricardo Darín) and his research scientist wife (Cecilia Roth) flee the city and hide from the military police in a vacant summer house. With ...